Thursday, January 5, 2012

Merry Gus-mas and Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to you!  Hope your Holidays were fun!  Santa was good to us this year (although I didn't get ANYTHING on my list) and my sister and I have been busy playing with all our new toys!  I heard Pip finally got his new sofa!  Yay for Mr. Pip!!!
Some exciting news!!  I have a new fur-iend!!!  He's just a baby but he's the cutest little boy bull doggie in the whole world!!
Say hi to Gus.....

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dear Santa Paws..........

Dear Santa Paws,
I've been a good little boy dog all year long.  I haven't chewed up any shoes or been responsible for any counter-surfing mishaps (it was my sister who pulled the pumpkin pie off the counter and ate the whole thing at Thanksgiving this year).  So...keeping this in's my Christmas list:

1. Roller skates (the ones with the wheels that light up)
2. Bacon-flavored water
3. A new rugby shirt (I've outgrown my old one - see picture above) and maybe a new one for my sister, too!
4. An iPhone (the white one please)
5. Mud flaps (cuz I'm tired of getting yelled at by mom when I come in with mud all over me from the backyard)
6. It's a Wonderful Life on Blu-ray (Jimmy Stewart's the man!!)
7. A new couch for Pip!!!!
8. A Kris Jenkins NY Jets football jersey
9. Some new cologne (so I can smell nice for the ladies)
10. Homes for all the sweet doogs and kitten cats that need them!
11. And can you throw in some world peace, too?

That'll do it!  Thanks, Santa!

Licks & kisses - TanQ

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wow! What a Welcome!!!

I'm such a lucky boy to have met all of you!!  Thanks so much for visiting my blog.  I've heard my cousin Hoke say such great things about his fur-iends and now I know why!  I look forward to reading your posts and learning about all of you.  Off to start writing my Christmas list.....just as soon as I'm done with my nap!  Stay tuned!

(Oh....and don't tell my mom I'm on the sofa!)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Welcome to my world!

Hi there!  My name is TanQueray (TanQ for short).  I'm a 7 year old pittie and I live in southern New Jersey with my mommie, daddie and sister Kaida (an American Bulldog).  I've got a cousin named Hoke. He's a wild westie and has his own blog with lots' of followers.  Mommie and daddie are always saying how goofy I am and are constantly laughing at my antics so I thought that I'd start my own blog to share some of my adventures and make some new friends!  Welcome to my world!!